Jamaican government has agreed to extradite drug suspect, Christopher "Dudus" Coke and a manhunt is currently underway,

Jamaican government has agreed to extradite drug suspect, Christopher "Dudus" Coke and a manhunt is currently underway, which could result in a massive standoff, as police attempt to apprehend him in Jamaica. The case has caused turmoil in Jamaica, as the Jamaican government contends, the U.S. Department of Justice, headed by Obama's reckless Attorney General, Eric Holder, illegally wiretapped Coke's mobile phone, in a bid to gain evidence for an extradition.

Many Jamaicans have complained, when the extradition hit a snag, due to the illegal wiretaps being rejected as evidence, as retaliation, the U.S. government began arresting Jamaicans in America for the least little thing, such as traffic violations which were previously not considered arrest worthy offenses, canceling the visas of Jamaicans in America and denying Jamaican businesspeople entry into the United States for standard business trips.

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